An Adventurous Bridal Session In Norwood, NC

Sierra reached out to me after her original wedding photographer cancelled on her. Heartbroken and stressed, she was hoping to find an amazing photographer just a couple months before her wedding. She found me and we chatted away like old friends, clicking instantly. Her only requirement? She absolutely had to have a bridal session.

Now folks, I don’t shoot enough of these. I’ve been blessed to have a very diverse clientele, but that also means I don’t get all the southern brides. And bridal sessions are kind of a southern tradition. So when Sierra said she had to have one, I was excited!

Finding the location for her session was the most difficult part. We went back and forth for a couple weeks trying to find something perfect, but finally decided to do it on her property and out in her small town in some gorgeous locations she had found on her own. I usually don’t trust my clients to choose our locations without my approval of them…since light is a HUGE factor in how the photos will turn out, but I went with her suggestion and met her at her house.

Ya’ll. This girl chose ALL the right spots!! Check these out. I’m so glad to be able to share now that she and Seth have tied the knot. These are some of my favorites from the day! Let me know what you think in the comments below!

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