Whitney and her Teenage Boy at Fourth Ward Park

As a mom of two teenage boys, I totally understand the super special relationship between mother and son. It’s one that involves tenderness and toughness. One that bounces between sweet hugs and burping contests. One that deals with stinky socks and too much cologne. But moms of boys know one thing…we can never be loved more by anyone else than by our sons.

When Whitney saw my fall mini’s happening, she just knew she had to take the opportunity to capture some awesome moments with her son, who is a freshman in high school…just like my middle child.

Being a mom of teenagers, I know firsthand how much teenage boys HATE being in front of the camera so we just decided to be silly, have a blast and make the most of it.

The best part? Whitney told me that when they left, William said he couldn’t WAIT for his pics!! That made my heart so happy!

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charlotte north carolina family photographer