Festive Corporate Headshots in Cornelius

I’ve been capturing headshots for Ginger Griffin Marketing and Design for a couple years now. It’s a great gig and I absolutely love going because they truly have the BEST employees. Everyone is super unique, maybe a little quirky, but they all have so much personality that we end up having a blast while I’m there. I guess my personality is just similar enough that we just click.

Do you follow my IG stories at all? If so, you may recall the post of me in a ball pit. Yes….a ball pit. Well that was in Giovanni’s office, at GGMD. The team gifted him a ball pit for his 7 year anniversary with the company. It was kind of joke, but because of who they all are, it stayed. Giovanni says he often does his best thinking in there. And I don’t know the whole story, but there was a deflated T-Rex in there too. I’d like to know what that’s about.

Anyway, I wanted to share with you all what business headshots can be like with a company who is perfectly comfortable expressing themselves.

We set up some time for some festive holiday photos first…so they could send out a card to all their clients. Then we went on to their normal headshots…which still have a TON of life to them.

EVERY company is different…so when it comes to the brand you portray, don’t be scared to be YOU!

charlotte photographer corporate headshots
charlotte photographer corporate headshots
charlotte photographer corporate headshots
charlotte photographer corporate headshots
charlotte photographer corporate headshots
charlotte photographer corporate headshots
charlotte photographer corporate headshots
charlotte photographer corporate headshots

After these shenanigans we moved on into their office space which hosts my favorite color ever!! This is where we do their headshots for their website. We always take a “prop” photo and a non prop photo. Sometimes we get a little wacky :)

charlotte photographer corporate headshots
charlotte photographer corporate headshots
charlotte photographer corporate headshots
charlotte photographer corporate headshots
charlotte photographer corporate headshots