Headshots in Boone

When Lindsay of Wild Onyx Photography needed new headshots to represent her brand, I didn't hesitate to offer up my services. She's located in Boone, and one of my lifelong best friends lives up there...so I jumped at the chance to trade headshots, see my girlfriend and get to meet the great Lindsay herself!


We headed over to Moses Cone Manor, a beautiful old house on a ton of land, overlooking the Blue Ridge Mountains. It was absolutely stunning! We walked for a bit, and found the light we wanted and started snapping away. Lindsay was a natural in front of the camera. I, on the other hand, am a giggly mess and have no idea how to behave when a camera is pointed at me. Magically, Lindsay managed to get some decent shots of me, which I'll share in a future post. But for now, check out this goodness that I got of her!


Charlotte Photographer
Charlotte Portrait Photographer
Charlotte Portrait Photographer
Charlotte Portrait Photographer
Charlotte Portrait Photographer
Charlotte Portrait Photographer